What is COR/PIR
Making Alberta a Safer Place to Live, Work and Play.
The program offers Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) premium incentives to employers who reduce their claim costs below predicted targets. Employers must meet specified standards for health and safety outlined by Alberta Partnerships.
Companies entering the PIR program work towards attaining a Certificate of Recognition (COR) or Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR). A COR or SECOR indicates that an employer has implemented a health and safety program that meets the standards established by their Certifying Partner, WCB and Alberta Partnerships.
Benefits of Partnerships in Injury Reduction and achieving COR/SECOR
- COR or SECOR is a Certificate of Recognition indicating the employer has implemented a health and safety program that is compliant with the standards established by their Certifying Partner, WCB and Alberta Partnerships Program
- The Alberta Safety Council (ASC) is a Certifying Partner for all industries but specifically to those employers who do not have an established health and safety association.
- To create the safest possible working environment for all employees.
- To prevent injuries, loss time, and property damage.
- To recognize cost savings through WCB rebates and discounts.
- To be eligible to bid on certain contracts because they hold or are actively pursuing a COR/SECOR.
- It is mandatory that at least one employee from the company participates in the ASC Health and Safety Program Building Course.
- Employee returns to their company and implements a health and safety program as per training.
- The company would then have an audit completed.
- For Regular COR holder, an outside auditor completes an external audit within the company. It is the responsibility of the company to hire the ASC certified External Auditor. The ASC provides a list of certified External Auditors to assist in the process on this site.
- For SECOR holders, the individual who participated in the Health and Safety Program Building course must complete the company self-assessment, answer all questions in the audit tool and supply all of the associated documentation to ASC
- Completed audit or self–assessment is submitted to the ASC and then sent to an Audit Reviewer for Quality Assurance review. This review ensures the auditor has followed the appropriate guidelines and has conformed to the standards set by Partnerships and the ASC.
- When the audit score meets the 80% set for COR and SECOR Certification Audits, and the quality assurance score meets the 80% standard, a COR/SECOR will be issued to the company. When the company achieves their COR/SECOR, an invoice for the COR/SECOR Annual administration fee and the Quality Assurance Review fee will be issued along with the Certificate.
- The COR/SECOR is valid for 3 years and a company must submit an audit every year in order to maintain their certification. In the 2nd and 3rd year of a 3 year cycle, an Internal Audit is conducted. The Internal Audit can be completed by an External Auditor or by an employee of the company after they have participated and qualified in the Internal Auditor Training course.
Maintenance audits should be submitted to the ASC on or before the anniversary date in order to maintain current COR/SECOR status.
- Health and Safety Program Building course
- Quality Assurance Review fee
- Annual COR administration fee and audit review fee
- The Alberta Safety Council Membership fee (optional)

Our COR/PIR Programs

Regular COR Holders
If the company has more than ten employees, at least one employee MUST participate in the Health and Safety Program Building course. After completing the required course the employee returns to their company and implements a health and safety program as per training.

SECOR Holders
If the company has ten or fewer employees, at least one employee MUST participate in the Health and Safety Program Building course. After completing the required course, the employee returns to his/her company and implements a health and safety program as per the training.

Health and Safety Program Building
Health and Safety Program Building gives participants the tools necessary to develop and implement an effective health and safety management system that is compliant with the standards established by their Certifying Partner, WCB and the Alberta Partnerships Program.

Internal Auditor Training
For persons that will be assisting management in the development of the Health and Safety program. Participants learn how to conduct a Health and Safety audit.

Auditor Refresher Workshop
Small Employers, External Auditors, and Internal Auditors are required to attend a refresher workshop once every three years in order to receive program updates and information as the program develops…

Health & Safety - External Auditor Training
For health and Safety person(s) considering consulting/auditingas a career path and who have sufficient health and safetybackground to be able to guide companies through the auditprocess.