SECOR Holders
If the company has 10 or less employees, at least one employee MUST participate in the Health and Safety Program Building course. After completing the required course, the employee returns to his/her company and implements a health and safety program as per the training.
Does your company have more than 10 employees? Read about COR here
Small Employers will audit themselves submitting a code of ethics with each audit and supporting each question from the audit with documentation to validate the answers to the questions. A small employer still has the option to hire an External Auditor to complete their audit if they wish. The ASC can provide a list of certified External Auditors to assist in the process.
The completed audit is submitted to the ASC and then sent to an Audit Reviewer for Quality Assurance review. This review insures the auditor has followed the appropriate guidelines and has provided sufficient validation and has conformed to the standards set by Partnerships and the ASC.
When the audit meets the 80% standard set for the SECOR Certification Audits, and the quality assurance score meets the 80% standard, a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) will be issued to the company. When the company achieves their SECOR, an invoice for the COR administration Fee and the Quality Assurance Review fee will be issued along with the certificate.
The SECOR is valid for three years and in the second and third year, a maintenance audit must be submitted to the Alberta Safety Council on or before the anniversary date in order to maintain current SECOR status.
Failure to submit an audit every year will result in cancellation of the SECOR.

Registration Options
Phone: Edmonton: (780) 462-7300 or
Toll Free: 1 (800) 301-6407
Pre-registration is required for all ASC courses.*