The Alberta Safety Council is a not for profit membership based organization, operating on a cost recovery basis to ensure all services are available at the lowest possible rates. Our mandate is to promote safety to Albertans in the home, in the workplace and in their leisure activities.
We invite you to be one of our members. Your participation in our membership is vital to the success of the Alberta Safety Council.
Benefits of Membership
- All corporate members are eligible for discounts on several of our courses and on material orders.
- Corporate VOTING members are eligible to vote on bylaw changes, policies, and election of Board Members during our Annual General Meeting.
- Advance notice of upcoming special events and programs.
- All corporate members receive a membership certificate mailed upon receipt of annual membership fees.
- Your membership fees help us to maintain and expand our existing programs and services.
- Occupational Health and Safety Audits can be submitted electronically

Corporate Voting Membership
Private enterprise and crown corporations engaged in business, industrial or commercial activities.
Membership-based organizations including Societies, Clubs, Associations, Unions, Agencies and Groups, whether incorporated or not.
Includes voting eligibility at our Annual General Meeting
$215 + GST (annual)*
Corporate Non-Voting Membership
Private enterprise and crown corporations engaged in business, industrial or commercial activities.
Membership-based organizations including Societies, Clubs, Associations, Unions, Agencies and Groups, whether incorporated or not.
$215 + GST (annual)*
Individual Membership
People who are interested in joining
ASC as an individual member (individual
membership does not include discounts
on programs, courses or materials)
$50 +GST (annual)
Individual members are not eligible to vote
Apply Today
Fill out the form below or use one of the other three easy ways to join or renew!
Email the invoice and completed renewal form to
Mail your invoice and completed renewal form to our Edmonton office.
Please provide payment when sending in your renewal. Cheques to be payable to
The Alberta Safety Council (no post-dated cheques accepted).
The Alberta Safety Council
4831 – 93 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6B 3A2
Call us today! (780) 462-7300