Lock Out
Locking out prevents incidents – it is that simple.
More than 600,000 Canadians are injured on the job each year and nearly 75% of them are employed in physical labour-driven industries.
Many of these workers suffer injuries because of improperly locked out machinery or equipment. At the end of this course your will have the tools to ensure you are not one of them.
The Basics and Benefits
When workplace equipment is not properly shut down and locked out it can result in
many kinds of trauma – paralysis, respiratory failure, broken bones, crushed limbs and
death are all possibilities.
This certification-grade course furthers your understanding of and ability to properly
complete a lockout. It touches on four main topics:
- Lockout procedures and requirements
- Legal requirements;
- Setting up an energy control program;
- Implementing an energy control program;
This course stresses the importance of locking out machinery and equipment as safety measures, as well as the dangers of hazardous energy.
The main goal is to emphasize lockout as everyone’s responsibility.
We can come to you and can customize training to suit your needs.
Contact our office (780) 462-7300 for more information.