4831 93 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB   (780) 462-7300

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Incident Investigation

Each day, workplace incidents harm people, property, quality, production and the

An incident investigation is the best and most efficient way to find the cause of an

incident and – in turn – control the hazard, preventing similar incidents and further harm.

This workshop will help you understand the benefits and goals of an incident
investigation and also methods for conducting effective investigations.

Investigations benefit every person at a workplace – right from management down to

the frontline workers. When an incident occurs, an occupational health and safety team
must do everything in its power to determine

The Basics and The Benefits

This course promotes, explores and explains the five main points of the theoretical part of investigations:

  • Benefits of an effective investigation
  • Differences between fact-finding and fault-finding
  • Why we investigate
  • When and what to investigate
  • How to use incident investigation to prevent incidents

The course ensures all participants leave with the skills and toolbox to prepare for and
conduct investigations, then make appropriate, effective recommendations, complete an
investigation report and follow up to ensure recommended controls are in effect.


We can come to you and can customize training to suit your needs. Contact our office (780) 462-7300 for more information.

Registration Options

Pre-registration is required for all ASC courses.*