4831 93 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB   (780) 462-7300

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Hazard Recognition Training

Recognizing, evaluating and controlling hazards are the basic building blocks of any
safety and health management system.  Hazards can cause incidents and injury – but controlling hazards prevents incidents.

This course introduces the concepts of hazard and risk and teaches how to identify and

evaluate hazards by assessing the risks and controlling the hazards.

The Basics and Benefits

This Alberta Safety Council course aims to increase the worker’s understanding of how
hazards and risk are at work on almost every jobsite.

It stresses hazard recognition, evaluation and control as the foundation of a proactive
safety management system – one that acts to prevent incidents before they happen.
Upon completion of this course, participants will have firm knowledge of five main points:

  • Importance of identifying hazards and managing risk;
  • Definitions of hazard and risk;
  • Hazard identification;
  • Hazard evaluation and risk assessment;
  • Control hierarchy
Through a combination of discussion, exercises, and lecture, the course starts workers,

supervisors, managers and employers on a road to becoming the safest and most
responsible people they can be.


We can come to you and can customize training to suit your needs. Contact our office (780) 462-7300 for more information.

Registration Options

Pre-registration is required for all ASC courses.*