4831 93 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB   (780) 462-7300

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Emergency Preparedness

While most workplace harm can be avoided with proper OH&S training, some events –
such as fires, floods, earthquakes, severe weather and bomb threats – are out of your
control. You can’t prevent an emergency, but you can learn to predict and prepare to handle it.

Being able to make quick, on-the-ground decisions is vital during an emergency.Training for the worst possible outcome will prepare you to keep control in difficult and unplanned situations, keep employees safe and make sure that an emergency does not turn into a disaster.

The Basics and Benefits

In this course, you will learn what risks may occur in your workplace during an
emergency, how to respond to different emergencies and the steps required in
preparing for an emergency.
Upon completion of this course, participants will have the skills and tools needed for
emergency preparedness. This course teaches:

  • A framework for emergency planning;
  • How to look for and assess hazards that could cause emergencies in your workplace;
  • Training and drills designed to prepare employees for the worst;

It’s likely your workplace won’t have to face an emergency, but it’s always good to hope
for the best and prepare for the worst.


We can come to you and can customize training to suit your needs. Contact our office (780) 462-7300 for more information.

Registration Options

Pre-registration is required for all ASC courses.*